Primes by Trial Division - HP BASIC/V
10 February 2019
HP BASIC/V is structurally the same as IBM PC BASIC; differences are single-character variable names, implicit GOTO after THEN, and array indices are 1-based instead of 0-based.
Square brackets are used for array subscripts, but parentheses are accepted for input and converted.
1 GOTO 10 5 C=C+1 6 GOTO 50 10 DIM P[1000] 20 P[1]=2 25 PRINT P[1] 30 C=3 40 FOR F=2 TO 1000 50 FOR I=1 TO (F-1) 60 IF (C MOD P[I])=0 THEN 5 70 NEXT I 80 PRINT C 90 P[F]=C 100 C=C+1 110 NEXT F 120 END