Retrotechnology Artifacts Sought

17 February 2021
We're looking for the following materials to expand or repair some of our exhibits.
- Acorn A305/A310: Archimedes Welcome Disc for Arthur 0.30 (possible P/N 0277,010)
- Acorn R140/R225/R260: any RISC/iX hardware, software, marketing materials, etc.
- Acorn Archimedes A440/A500/A540/A5000: any hardware, software, marketing materials, etc.
- Cambridge Workstation: any hardware, software, marketing materials, etc.
- BBC Master Technical: any software, marketing materials, etc.
- 32016 Second Processor: any software, marketing materials, etc.
- BusinessVEISA/PowerVEISA: 256 KB cache module
- Amiga CD32: Amiga SX32 option
- Amiga CDTV/CD32: software, marketing materials
- GVP EGS110/24 display adapter
- Any marketing materials
- Pre-SR10 AEGIS software releases, especially on 8" floppy disk media
- Apollo DN100/400/600: any hardware, software, etc.
- Apollo DN300/550: any hardware, software, etc.
- Apollo DN460/660: any hardware, software, etc.
- Apollo DN3000/4000/3500/4500/5500: any hardware, software, etc.
- Apollo DN10000: any hardware, software, etc.
- Apple ][: keyboard cap for Power lamp, "tall" style from original ][ (not ][+)
- Apple ][: ProFile controller
- Apple ProFile
- Imagewriter: tractor feed cover panel
- Lisa: any hardware, software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- Macintosh: NuBus memory boards (NatSemi 8/16, Daystar RAM Powercard, etc.)
- Macintosh: TrueVision NuVista, NuVista HR hardware, software, etc.
- Macintosh: 512k VRAM modules, 68-pin
- Macintosh: fixed disk mounting brackets for Q800/PM8100/PM8500/PM9500 etc.
- Atari Falcon: any hardware, software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- Atari TT030: any software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- Atari System V UNIX installation media
- 3B2: XM winchester disk expansion box
- 3B2: any software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- Pixel Machine: any hardware, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- Truevision TARGA: any hardware, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- Truevision Image Capture Board (ICB): any hardware, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- BeBox: any hardware, software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- BeOS: Developer Release 1.1d3, 1.1d4 media
- BeOS: any software, marketing materials, etc.
- Cogent XTM: any hardware, software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- C=16: any software, marketing materials, etc.
- C=1551 diskette drive
- Plus/4: joysticks, software, marketing materials, etc.
- Deskpro/386: Video Graphics (VGA) display adapter 109253-001
- Deskpro/386: Advanced Graphics/1024 (AG1024) display adapter memory expansion option 114202-001
- Deskpro/386: Advanced Graphics/1024 (AG1024) display adapter driver software
- Systempro: i386, i486 processor boards
- Systempro: QIC tape drive option
Data General
- AViiON: any Motorola 88000-series hardware, software, marketing materials, etc.
- Eclipse: console, terminal, or ethernet cables to fit MV5600DC I/O board
- Eclipse: any software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- DS/5500, DS/5700: any hardware, software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
Digital Equipment Corporation
- ITS: any software, documentation, memorabilia, etc.
- PDP-10: any hardware, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- TOPS-10: any software, documentation, memorabilia, etc.
- TOPS-20: any software, documentation, memorabilia, etc.
- XKL TD-1 (TOAD): any hardware, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- VAXstation 2000: chassis drive bay cover ("door")
- VAXstation 4000: memory modules
- VAXstation 4000: hard disk mounting plate; secures disk to mounting bracket
- DECstation 5000: MS02-CA 32 MB memory modules
DuPont Imaging Systems
- MacBRISC/MacBLITZ: any software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- HP 600/A HP-IB external CD-ROM drive
- HP LaserRELEASE CDs for HP3000 or HP9000
- Cisco/Crescendo EISA FDDI Driver for HP-UX 9 S700/S800
- HP3000/900: MPE/iX software release tapes, any version
- HP9000/300: memory modules to fit 345, 360, 380
- HP9000/300: cursor ("puck") for 46087B digitizing tablet
- HP9000/300: 98531A software for DOS Coprocessor
- HP9000/500: any hardware, software, marketing materials, etc.
- HP9000/700: 72-pin memory modules to fit 712, 715, 725
- HP9000/700: hard disk drive mounting plates to fit storage drawer of 720/730/735
- HP9000/700: Model 725 workstation, complete or not
- HP9000/800: model 840, 825, 834, 835, 850 system unit, complete or not
- Integral PC: any software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- Multics: any hardware, software, documentation, memorabilia, marketing materials, etc.
- AOS/4.3: X11R2 distribution tape
- APL/PC: IBM's patch for v1.0 to allow use with 640k RAM
- AS/400: information on generating correct System Passwords
- ES/9370: 9377 Model 90 microcode diskettes
- PC RT: any hardware, software, marketing materials, etc.
- PS/2: 9595 device mounting rails for 5.25" drive bays
- PS/2: 9595 internal wide-SCSI cables for RAID card & hot-swap drive bays
- RS/6000: internal fixed disk mounting hardware for 7013-J40 series
- S/390 Multiprise 3000: SSA midplane extender cards, for attaching SSA cables to array backplane
- S/390 Multiprise 3000: 9.1 GB or 18.2 GB SSA disks / disk mounting canisters
- 6152 Academic Workstation: any hardware, software, marketing materials, etc.
- 7437 Technical Workstation: early control software for OS/2 1.x
- 5080 display keyboard/tablet connection box
- 5086 host attachment hardware, software for PC, PC RT, or RS/6000
- 5251 terminal keyboard
- 6154 monitor
- Data Interpretation System software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- Metaphor software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- P/390, P/390e hardware, software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- XT/370, AT/370, A74/370, P/370 hardware, software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
Leading Edge
- Model D2 or D3: fixed disk mounting bracket
- Rekursiv: any hardware, software, documentation, marketing materials, memorabilia, etc.
- Any hardware, software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- RC3230/Magnum R3000: color graphics board
- Magnum R4000: ARC firmware versions older than "SGI v176"
- RISC/os 5.01 software
- Any hardware, software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
Modula Research Corporation
- Lilith: DPU board
- Lilith: keyboard
- Lilith: portrait display
- Lilith: software, documentation, marketing materials, memorabilia, etc.
- NeXT Nitro Workstation
- NEXTSTEP 2.x software
- NEXTSTEP 4.0 Pre-release 1 software
- Image Computer: PII-9 9-slot chassis ("Hurricane")
- Image Computer: high-speed host interface for Sun4
- Image Computer: host interface for any system - SBus, VME, Multibus, QBUS, etc.
- Image Computer: any hardware, software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- Paintbox: any hardware, software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- Model 100: system restore disc
- Model 100: fixed disk mounting bracket (would also fit 81/110)
Silicon Graphics
- IRIS 1000-series: any hardware, software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- IRIS 2000-series: any hardware, software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- IRIS 3000-series: any hardware, software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- IRIS: 4D/60 base system unit, complete or not
- Indigo R3000: memory modules
- Indigo R4000/Indigo2/Indy: 72-pin memory modules
- Indigo: VM2 modules for XS/XZ/Elan, P/N 030-8059-xxx
- Indigo/Onyx: mouse
- Indigo/Onyx: "Granite" keyboard cable
- Indigo2: 60-pin cables for Cosmo Compress, 601 Video options
- Indigo2: Extreme badge
- Onyx: Multi-Channel Option (MCO) bulkhead kit and breakout box
- Onyx: IP21 boards
- Onyx: IP25 boards
- Onyx: RM6 boards
- Onyx: infiniteReality badge(s) for deskside chassis
- IRISVISION: any software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- IRIX drivers for VME Scramnet, Fore VME ATM options
- LaserView monitor
- NeWS: mouse
- NeWS: NWP-411 or NWP-411A keyboard
- NeWS: any hardware, software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- Sun-1: UniSoft V7 UNIX software
- Sun-1: EPROM dumps from 68000 CPU board, P/N 270-0001
- Sun-1: any hardware, software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- Sun-2: keyboard
- Sun-2: 2/120 deskside SMD disk chassis
- Sun-2: any hardware, software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- Sun-2: SunOS 1.x, 2.x software
- Sun-3: SunOS 2.x, 3.x software
- Sun-4m: SM512X dual 50 MHz CPU module for 6x0MP, P/N 501-2444
- GT: any Graphics Tower hardware, software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- TAAC-1: any software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- Sun 3/80 system unit
- Sun SBus Expansion Subsystem driver software
- Sun FDDI/DX driver software for SunOS 4.x (SunLink FDDI 1.2)
- Any hardware, software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- Any software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
Texas Instruments
- TI-99/8: any hardware, software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- TI 990-series: any hardware, software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- TI Explorer: console hardware — display, keyboard, mouse, console I/O paddle, etc.
- TI Explorer: any hardware, software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- TI microExplorer: any hardware, software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- Alto/Alto II/Star: any hardware, software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- 1186/6085/8010/8090: any hardware, software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- ViewPoint/GlobalView software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
x86 Clone
- DPT: SmartConnect ISA SCSI host adapter driver software, documentation, etc.
- Hercules: TIGA display adapter software v2.0 or later, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- Hercules: Chrome display adapter software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- Hercules: SuperStation display adapter software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- Matrox: PG-1280/PG-1281 software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- Matrox: "Space Machine" SM-1024/SM-1280/SM-1281 software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- Microfield Graphics: T8, T8/2 software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- Philips: CM-100 tabletop CD-ROM drive
- Philips: CM-153 ISA CD-ROM interface board
- Quadram Corp.: QuadColor II software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- Vermont Microsystems (VMI): any software, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
- Western Digital: Columbia Data Products SST-IV for WD7000 SCSI Host adapter