Primes by Trial Division - VisualAge Smalltalk
12 January 2018
Again, more differences in required formatting for the FileIn task. The method definition is the same as the other Smalltalk systems.
Object subclass: #Benchmark instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: ''! !Benchmark publicMethods ! findPrimes: n "Transcript show: (Time millisecondsToRun: [ Transcript show: ((Benchmark new) findPrimes: 10000) printString; cr. ]) printString; cr." | count primes | count := 3. primes := OrderedCollection with: 2. [ primes size < n ] whileTrue: [ primes detect: [ :prime | count \\ prime = 0 ] ifNone: [ primes add: count ]. count := count + 1. ]. ^primes! ! Benchmark initializeAfterLoad!